
Literally: Rotate

To someone

The expression "dowr l flan" is slang for calling someone on the phone.

One possible explanation is that it originates from when phones still had rotary dials, and you therefore needed to rotate it to make a phone call.

With someone

"Dowr m3a flan" (literally, rotate with someone) refers to the act of giving them money.

Other alternatives include: "dbr 3la flan" (ضبر على فلان), or "7l9 3la flan" (حلق على فلان)

- Ach drti m3a dik sata li tlaguiti ftram ?

- Kandowr liha kanlga tilifoun makhdamch. Fach 9allabt nmra li 3tatni lguit fiha 12 ra9m

- Ach drti m3a dik sata li tlaguiti ftram ?

- When I call her, her phone doesn't working. When I checked the number that she gave me, I realized it has 12 digits

Added on November 11, 2024

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